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T O P I C R E V I E W |
sjbyron |
Posted - 04 December 2008 : 21:13:37 Hi
Sorry for all the questions: is the following outgoings ok or too much, also should I include the further education in this, I have put in my statement that due to my depression and the fact that I am being internally investigated in nursing I do not see me returning to nursing for the distant future, and because my depression has been trigged by my job in Management, I am going to request a drop in contractual hours, however I feel that this new course in advanced gym instruction will pull together new skills and my nursing skills and maximize my earning potential and be of alot less stress, the course payments complete in may 2010.
Would that be ok? Also here are myout goings:
Rent £410 (Living with Parents) Housekeeping for food for work, extra food etc £150 Gas and elec £0 Water £0 Telephone £40 (Mobile) Travel to and from work and general travel £160 (about 82 miles a day, four days a week) Clothing £40 Council Tax £0 Car Tax - £10 Emergency, Birthdays fund - £30 Insurance for car £70 Car HP £102 Gym £26.00 Prescriptions - £11 Optical/Dental £10 Union Fees £4 Thinkbanking Bank Account Fees £12.50 Further education course £128.50
Stu J Byron |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
memphisd56 |
Posted - 21 May 2009 : 16:01:14 The Co-op removed the loan account i had with them, (£2500 included in BR), but kept the cashminder account open???!!...strange, but true..
I to, went with Think Banking, but have put £1 into my Cashminder, with a view to using it at a later date, as Think Banking Costs £12.50pm |
jelly4toes |
Posted - 10 January 2009 : 11:56:58 if you are getting help medically speaking re your depression a letter from your gp stating the gym is necessary as an aid to your recovery and not a luxurious expense the or might let you keep it definitely worth a go, |
sjbyron |
Posted - 08 December 2008 : 00:19:23 Is Barclaycard linked with Barclays bank, some say they are and some say there not?
Stu J Byron |
sjbyron |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 20:34:16 Thanks Jo as well
Stu J Byron |
sjbyron |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 19:36:36 Thanks Julian Co-op where one of my creditors, and one of the nastiest too, thats why I have gone back to Thinkbanking
Stu J Byron |
Needafriend |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 16:02:56 Hi Stu
I think i mis read your question, as a discharged bankrupt you can apply more or less to most banks and they will let you know if you can have an account with them.
As an undischarged BR then the choice is a bit limited the coop as Julian has said is the most common one now and like Julian i opened mine the day of my bankruptcy.
Jo x
18 Weeks down  34 to go
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called: Needafriend's Info on Bankruptcy :-) http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ Needafriend says: Live life to the full, take life by the horns and live a little, otherwise life would be so boring!
JulianDonnelly |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 15:54:52 Hi Stu,
You can open a basic account as soon as you've been declared BR (I opened mine the day after I went BR). However, not with anyone you owed money to when you went BR. The Co-Op Cashminder seems to be the most BR-friendly account out there at present.
Julian Donnelly Spokesperson for www.Bankruptcyhelp.org.uk Don't forget the helpline on 0800 078 9367 |
Needafriend |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 15:28:36 Hi Stu
That would be down to the bank and their policies, but at the end of the day once discharged their is nothing stopping you from applying to any of the banks and see what they say.
Even if they were creditors:-)
Jo x
18 Weeks down  34 to go
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called: Needafriend's Info on Bankruptcy :-) http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ Needafriend says: Live life to the full, take life by the horns and live a little, otherwise life would be so boring!
sjbyron |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 14:38:16 Hi Jo
Sorry for all the questions,
Once im a discharged Bankrupt, will I be able to open a basic account with any bank, even if that bank was a creditor, for example Nationwide?
Stu J Byron |
Needafriend |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 12:13:20 Hey Stu
Let us know how it all goes and also if i can be of any more assistance.
Jo x
18 Weeks down  34 to go
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called: Needafriend's Info on Bankruptcy :-) http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ Needafriend says: Live life to the full, take life by the horns and live a little, otherwise life would be so boring!
sjbyron |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 10:48:04 Thanks Jo
Ill start looking for jobs next year, and hope for the best with the bankruptcy
Stu J Byron |
Needafriend |
Posted - 07 December 2008 : 08:32:42 Hi Stu
I would do what is best for you. At the end of the day your health is the most important and i know i would look at that part first.
If you feel lowering the hours is the best way, then that is what you must do.
I know that your scared and worried, i know i was, but you have to take control and do what you feel is right at the end of the day.
You wont be penialised for that :-)
Jo x
17 Weeks down  35 to go
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called: Needafriend's Info on Bankruptcy :-) http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ Needafriend says: Live life to the full, take life by the horns and live a little, otherwise life would be so boring!
sjbyron |
Posted - 06 December 2008 : 22:48:04 Thanks Jo
Im just so scared and worried at the moment, and I dont know whether to cut the hours down in work or not
Stu J Byron |
Needafriend |
Posted - 06 December 2008 : 20:48:37 Hi Stu
It will be down to the OR on the day to what they will allow etc but they are not horrid people.
Dont worry about them, my one was great, and most of our other posters have had good experiences with the interview etc.
I seriously would not worry about what they will or wont say or do until you have gone BR, then they will go over your I&E and once they write to say you may get an IPA then you can scrutinize that with them and fight it, dont sign anything until your 100%sure and happy.
Jo x
17 Weeks down  35 to go
For more info on how i have come through bankruptcy and for links to help, you can read my blog here called: Needafriend's Info on Bankruptcy :-) http://debtfreejo.blogs.bankruptcyhelp.org.uk/ Needafriend says: Live life to the full, take life by the horns and live a little, otherwise life would be so boring!
sjbyron |
Posted - 06 December 2008 : 19:54:02 And my income I have put the new figures and will get a letter from my employer in due course is this OK, my outgoings are now £1197.50 with the course, will they try and knock that down?
Stu J Byron |
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