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Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 13 January 2014 : 18:33:27
To be fair the company has apologised and said they will fix it. I believe they will.
Yes it's on my statement. i've faxed them my cert and told them the same 28 days. Nearly all of the other companys did it in 7-28 so I will try again in a few months. I should know when this is done if this credit monitoring service I have it any good.
I'#ve told them all it must be either settled or partially settled with the date being 02/05/2012. The update date dosen't matter I don't think but they put 02/05/2013 for both of them so will likely change them both
I think vanquis will still turn me down.
What I found scary was one of the finance companys I was on the phone with had full access to my entire file. he was pointing out debts listed but then saying " oh no that's not us"
I never knew they have full access.
Also for some reason Equifax has no record of my BR. I've sent them a ticket and my cert as I don't wan to mislead them and it's showing on the others |
Edited by - pcoventry2 on 13 January 2014 18:35:00 |
Starting Member
United Kingdom
28 Posts |
Posted - 14 January 2014 : 14:16:03
Panasonic: Thankfully in March my BR falls off my credit file and within a few weeks My credit rating will rise (hopefully). A few things you need to check and beware of the con artists......
1) If you check your bankruptcy record on the Government website, it will show as "Discharged" This is as good as any "discharge Certificate" that will cost you money to obtain. In any even the Credit Reference agencies normally get notified of a discharge. If they don't they will accept a print out of the government website.
2) Please check that all of your creditors have marked your file as "Satisfied" if not they may add a "Default" notice each month. They are not supposed to but sometimes try. This has the effect of resetting the 6yr clock at every entry so beware.
3) In my case I had 3 or 4 companies offering to improve your credit rating post discharge. The simple answer is THEY CAN'T.
4) Open a Vanquis credit card. Declare your discharge, (they will find out anyway) and they will give you a Visa card with initially a low limit (£300) Yes the APR IS 39%+ but if you pay it off each month it cost nothing! If you are a good boy/girl, they normally increase your limit every 3 month to a max of £3K At least you will be able to order online and have a cushion.
Good luck matey, I can only tell you that the 6 years have flown by but be under no misapprehensions. Your credit record will be sh1t for 60 months from the date you were declared bankrupt although does increase month on month provided to stay clean.
Also open a free noodle account to see you credit file online. It truly is free!
Edited by - andyb53 on 14 January 2014 14:19:45 |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 14 January 2014 : 14:33:34
I believe there is only so long in which your record is shown on the IS website after discharge, during which time you can print the notice. After that you will have to pay and last time I checked it was £60.
Vanquis have already turned him down once for a card.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 14 January 2014 : 14:38:19
Just to add a few things to Andy's very very good advice.
Noodle is only call credit information. If you want a £2 report you can get this online these days from all the providers. I've just got mine from each (although Experian do send you a code through the post initially to prove it's you) On the back of this I have also signed up for their monitoring services.
Experian does not allow any third pary such as Checkmyfile to have their data (according to Checkmyfile in an e-mail yesterday anyway)
Equifax have nothing for court records on my file they hold but they do on checkmyfile) so WTF to that!
I've been given a " pre selected" invite from Vanquis and I am sending it back today. I fully expect a rejection letter but i will A. know if they search me and B know why if they do. But I will let you know
checkmyfile is £7,99 a month but you only get one update a month. I'd rather pay £9,99 to Equifax and get a monitoring service where I can get a new report every day. So I spend £30 a month which is reasonable considering I can get a new file and rating every day from both. And I also get alerts when things change, which will help me keep tabs on the companys I am in the process of sorting out. My friend told me I was a mug to pay that much, but as i said to him. the whole point of this is beyond my domestic bills I am debt free so if there was ever a time I could afford it without worry - this is it!
Edit. Also to confirm what Niobe says.. it's 3 months.. however I asked the OR to send me out a discharge letter which they did without charge. it's good enough for all that I have sent it to thus far. I am starting to see Partially Settled on some accounts and (where the amount was fairly low) settled on others - in either case they are green and good. (although as I said one has the date wrong but say they are fixing it)
Lastnight I called my old mortgage provider to get my file updated and they told me that i had to wait for their appeal to end and that a review was every 6 months and was due shortly. Even when i explained how bankruptcy worked they still acted as if I had to do as they said. the discussion got heated and i was passed to the "legal team" a waste of time as the person asked me A to fax in proof of the BR (which i did) and B apologised and told me that I was indeed correct and they didn't want to try and defend defiance of a court order.
I would name them but they have enough bad mouthing going on the internet already.
my other big loan is with a company who no longer trades. When I called their last public number it went through to an old lady in Birmingham so I have asked the CRA's how I go about sorting that. |
Edited by - pcoventry2 on 14 January 2014 14:49:32 |
Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 14 January 2014 : 20:08:28
The problem I have now is that the ones that are updating are updating to the date of the discharge and not the bankruptcy. I resent having to chase them all for this. I thought the OR did this - was the £525 just to pay for their xmas bonus!?
I have 1 major creditor who went bust years ago and one who refuses to do as asked until they review my file in 6 months. I have another who I never took service with who has been giving me a green every month for 5 years and one that just has 6 years of "U" because they couldn't deliver the item I had ordered.
Really not confident that if these companys don't want to do as commanded by the court the OR will want to do anything either.
Every company I have dealt with so far were still defaulting me at the point I contacted them. So again I ask, what does the OR actually do!? |
Edited by - pcoventry2 on 19 January 2014 16:36:41 |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 19 January 2014 : 17:56:42
It is up to you to get your records updated, not the OR. You can report the companies to the financial ombudsman I believe. The OR is there to oversee the BR pretty much the same as an IP with an IVA.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 19 January 2014 : 18:24:42
okay but do they not get how embarrassing it is to ring up a company you owe money too? Surely we shouldn't have to have any contact at all.
it's so wrong. So anyway thanks, if they won't shift I need to report them to the FO. I'll note that down |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 19 January 2014 : 19:34:48
I am sure they do realise it but it's not part of their job description to do it.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 19 January 2014 : 19:37:43
Then all I paid the OR for then was a hour phone call and some paperwork. Because its clear they didn't oversee anything, well they did nothing and I heard from them once in 12 months.
We are told the OR are meant to deal with creditors etc but in my case they didn't speak to a single one and I think it is wrong that afterwards we must contact all our creditors to sort it out.
I still don't think they are useful. But as you say i am wrong and they oversee it. easy money for them, ball ache for the bankruptee after discharge.
Edited by - pcoventry2 on 19 January 2014 19:39:30 |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 19 January 2014 : 19:44:25
It's one of those things - they oversee the BR and will check throughout the twelve months to make sure everything is going ok but the responsibility of cleaning up your credit record is down to you.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
New Member

50 Posts |
Posted - 20 January 2014 : 18:14:19
quote: Originally posted by panason1c
Just looked at my recently updated 'Noddle' report and I have finally moved from a long time static rating of 1/5 to 2/5....... Looks like me getting a credit card and paying off the balance in full might be helping to build up my credit score........Just need to see if Barclays will let me have a Current bank account rather than the Barclays 'basic account' that I currently have. (-:
That's strange, I just looked at my latest Noddle report and I've gone from 2/5 back to 1/5!!...... I havent missed any payments to my Vanquis card, etc, so why the backwards step? |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 20 January 2014 : 18:16:35
That I don't know. Perhaps you need to speak to Noddle and also check the other agencies to make sure that things are ok.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 20 January 2014 : 18:20:31
Don't forget as well that credit scores don't always mean a lot as banks etc., have their own scoring criteria.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
Junior Member
230 Posts |
Posted - 31 January 2014 : 20:45:15
Cheers for the updates. Just wanted to let you know 98% are now updated, a few updated to discharge date not BR date but are amending it. i was accepted today after replying to the vanquis letter and I have a good limit with a reasonable APR - so things are looking up.
Viki was right, the landline number helps for some reason. |

United Kingdom
4590 Posts |
Posted - 31 January 2014 : 21:17:21
Good news - hopefully the other 2% will update shortly.
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. – Ulysses S. Grant
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